Hello! Here’s what’s happening on Friday.

1. US Vice President Mike Pence outlined the Trump administration’s plan for establishing a “Space Force. The all-new military branch that would defend US assets in space and is set to be established in 2020.

2. Public support for a second Brexit referendum continues to grow amid fears over a possible “no deal” Brexit. A new poll found most Brits believe Theresa May will leave negotiations with a bad deal.

3. The US said it is talking with North Korea “virtually every day,” but little progress has been made. The US is concerned about reports that North Korea is continuing its weapons programs, while the North is irritated by sanctions still in place.

4. The intensifying trade war between China and the US is causing a massive rift within the Communist Party of China. Though Xi has been clamping down on dissent, veteran party members have expressed rare discontent about China's image and Xi's handling of the trade dispute.

5. The parents of US First Lady Melania Trump were sworn in as US citizens. They are said to have used family sponsorship to obtain their green cards - a process President Donald Trump has vowed to end.

6. Hamas and Israel reportedly reached a ceasefire after a violent exchange near Gaza left 3 dead. Over 180 rockets rained down on Israel Thursday while Israel pounded 150 targets in Gaza with airstrikes.

7. Feisty lawyer Michael Avenatti says he might run against US President Donald Trump as a Democrat in the 2020 presidential election. The attorney, who represents Stormy Daniels, is known to needle President Donald Trump on social media and TV.

8. The Securities and Exchange Commission is reportedly "intensifying" its inquiry into Tesla. The SEC is said to have asked Tesla whether one of CEO Elon Musk's tweets about taking the company private was truthful.

9. Amazon shares hit an all-time high as the company inches towards a $1 trillion valuation. Apple made headlines last week when it became the first US company to reach the milestone.

10. NASA is about to "touch" a star for the first time. The Parker Solar Probe is scheduled to launch this Saturday, and the $1.5-billion mission must survive hellish conditions.

And finally ...

These are the 24 European cities with the best quality of life